Who owns this website?
This website is operated by the Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO). The SCTO is an independent organisation and is based on an initiative of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. The SCTO is organised as an association within the meaning of Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code, with its registered office in Bern.
office and contact details:
3008 Bern
+41 031 307
10 40
The Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation (SCTO) aims to make a wide variety of high-quality information available through this website. It endeavours to provide this information in the correct form and according to the most current state of knowledge. However, the SCTO shall not be liable for the correctness, accuracy, or completeness of the information, or of ensuring that it is up to date.
Furthermore, no legal rights can be derived from the information. The SCTO shall not be liable for any loss or damage that occur as a result of using this web portal, including but not limited to loss or damage arising from incorrect information or technical issues. In addition, the SCTO shall not be liable for the content and availability of other websites that can be accessed through links on the SCTO’s website. As a rule, the SCTO does not offer any online advice and a timely response to enquiries cannot be guaranteed. The SCTO reserves the right to cease operation of the website at any time and without prior warning and/or to amend, make additions to, or delete any or all content.
The overall content and structure of the SCTO website are protected by copyright. Downloading or printing individual pages or documents for personal, non-commercial use is permitted. Copying individual pages or documents for public, non-commercial purposes is permitted if our copyright and restrictions regarding commercial and further use are referenced. Further use requires prior written approval from the SCTO, in particular for complete or partial copying for commercial purposes, electronic distribution or distribution via other means, modification, and any connection to commercial and/or public use.