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Positioning and media presence

We support optimal framework conditions for Swiss clinical research.

In line with our overall goal to ensure that Switzerland remains an attractive location to conduct clinical trials in the future, we implemented a horizon scanning and issues management process to address issues as early as possible and thus help to prevent them from turning into a crisis.

We regularly publish statements on topics and issues we have identified – for example, in 2020 the SCTO commented on two highly controversial Swiss popular initiatives:

  • "No" to the Limitation Initiative – Preserve favourable conditions for research and innovation in Switzerland / «Nein» zur Begrenzungsinitiative – Gute Rahmenbedingungen für Forschung und Innovation erhalten / «Non» à l’initiative de limitation – Maintenir de bonnes conditions cadres pour la recherche et l'innovation
  • A statement on the Swiss popular initiative for a testing ban on humans and animals (in French and German) Stellungnahme zur Volksinitiative «Ja zum Tier- und Menschenversuchsverbot» / Prise de position contre l'initiative «Oui à l’interdiction de l’expérimentation animale et humaine»

Media coverage

General interest in clinical research in Switzerland has increased considerably during the last four years. The global trend towards more open and participative clinical research is reflected in a greater media interest in topics such as ethical standards, overall transparency in science, and the insufficient publication of clinical research results.

As the central cooperation platform for patient-oriented clinical research in Switzerland and as part of our mandate to facilitate the integration of national clinical research with international networks, the SCTO regularly answers questions from the media on topics about clinical research in Switzerland.